If you plan to father children, read this before visiting a testosterone replacement clinic in Frisco, TX

Testosterone Replacement Clinic Frisco TX area

Low testosterone levels, usually known as Low T, can impact a man’s health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life in many ways. It is not a new phenomenon, though public awareness of the condition has skyrocketed in recent years. If you suffer from frequent fatigue, moodiness, lack of libido, or feeling generally run down, then you are probably wondering about testosterone replacement. While Low T very well may be the problem, common testosterone replacement might not be the best solution, particularly if you plan to have children. Our Frisco, TX clinic offers a wide variety of options, including several effective Low T treatments that preserve your fertility.

Understanding the role of testosterone in sperm production

The relationship between testosterone and fertility is complex. To begin with, testosterone is a primary factor in a healthy sex drive, and reduced levels may contribute to erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, inadequate testosterone production in the testicles may be associated with low sperm counts. You might expect testosterone replacement to make you more fertile, but the opposite is true.

Natural testosterone is produced in the testes, but the process begins in the brain. The pituitary gland releases gonadotropins, which, in turn, triggers testosterone production within the testes. Because it is produced here, the amount of testosterone in the testes is higher than the level in the bloodstream. It is entirely possible for a man to have borderline or Low T, yet still have sufficient testicular levels to produce healthy sperm. In some cases, he might have low sperm count.

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How testosterone replacement affects fertility

Standard Low T treatment adds testosterone directly to the bloodstream, via injections, patches, or similar techniques. The brain recognizes this ample supply of testosterone, and it responds by reducing gonadotropins. Without this natural trigger, hormone production in the testes slows or stops, so the level is no longer significantly higher than that in the bloodstream. That means, simple hormone replacement may raise levels in your blood, but lower levels in your testes with a resultant decrease in sperm production.

Most Low T symptoms, such as fatigue and reduced sex drive, are associated with blood levels of testosterone. Therefore, replacement therapy might make you feel better and perform better. However, sperm production relies on testosterone in the testes, not in the bloodstream, meaning that standard replacement can also make you infertile.

Treating Low T while preserving fertility

Treating Low T while preserving fertility in Frisco TX area

Does all of this mean that you have to choose between fatherhood and Low T treatment? Absolutely not! Directly adding testosterone to your bloodstream is not the only solution, it is just the most common one. Dr. Jeffrey Buch is a leader in male health and fertility treatments, and he has decades of experience providing advanced, highly customized solutions to fit each patient’s needs.

The first step in developing a treatment plan is obtaining an accurate diagnosis. It is not enough to know that your testosterone levels are low, Dr. Jeffrey Buch also strives to determine why they are low. Possibilities include pituitary malfunction, benign tumors, testicular varicose veins, traumatic injury, and more. The diagnostic process includes physical examination, detailed discussion of your symptoms, blood work, and other laboratory testing.

The next step is creating a treatment plan, customized to your priorities and health considerations. Dr. Jeffrey Buch will discuss various options, clearly explaining advantages and disadvantages of each. For some men, testosterone replacement is a great option. However, if you want to retain or improve your fertility, Dr. Jeffrey Buch will advise against it. Instead, he may recommend treatments such as:

  • Letrozole – Oral medication
  • Clomid – Oral medication
  • Tamoxifen – Oral medication
  • HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) therapy – Injectable hormone

The treatments listed above do not directly add testosterone to your bloodstream. Instead, they work by stimulating your body to increase its natural testosterone production. Like hormone replacement therapy, they can restore your youthful energy and alleviate Low T symptoms. The important difference is that these alternative treatments do not negatively impact fertility. In fact, they can help treat infertility in addition to treating Low T.

If you want to have children, it is essential that you choose a doctor who is experienced in administering advanced treatments beyond standard testosterone therapy, and who is committed to providing customized solutions. For the men of Frisco, TX, Dr. Jeffrey Buch is that doctor. Just call Low T Guru at (972) 430-4554 and schedule an appointment to get started.

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