Low T Treatment Side Effects

Many clients approach us with their concerns regarding treatment for low testosterone. Both men and women realize that there are many advantages to treating the symptoms associated with low testosterone but they also hear television commercials that indicate increases of heart disease and stroke, and other side effects after being treated for low testosterone. In this article, we’ll talk about the risks of treatment, possible side effects, and how you can minimize these risks.
Results After Low T Therapy
After suffering from low energy, weight gain and other symptoms for years, most of our clients report a huge energy boost in the first month of low t treatment. Men and women both see a return of interest in sex, heightened libido, and a spark of motivation that gets them back to the gym to work off the weight they’ve gained due to low testosterone levels.
It’s important to take your increase in energy slowly so that you don’t overexert your body’s capabilities. After sometimes years of inactivity, entering a stringent workout routine immediately can be counterproductive in that it can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Gradually work up levels in fitness to avoid any risky heart issues. Because an increase in testosterone can spur the production of red blood cells, the risk of heart attack goes up because blood becomes thicker.
Side Effects of Low T Therapy
Responsible for red blood cell production, bone marrow is one organ that is very sensitive to testosterone treatments. When men and women undergo treatment for low T, not only are they helping reduce their symptoms, but they are also stimulating bone marrow to produce higher amounts of red blood cells. This process is called polycythemia, and over time it can result in increased risks of heart attack and stroke. This is due to the thickening of blood from the overproduction of blood cells in bone marrow.
The good news is that this risk is easily controlled with regular blood testing in every six months. Regular testing will help you and your doctor catch high levels of red blood cell production before it becomes an issue, and you can donate blood during these regular testing intervals to maintain your normal red blood cell count. Plus, it’s always good to donate blood to those who will need it.
Contact the Low T Guru and get your questions about Low T answered. (972) 430-4554
Another area of concern is prostate cancer. While testosterone treatment will not cause, if any amount of prostate cancer is present in the body before treatment, low t therapy could make it metastasize faster. To sidestep this concern, your doctor should test you for prostate issues long before starting any kind of low T treatment. Prostate specific antigen levels should monitored on a regular basis to be assessed with a prostate biopsy to diagnose any cancer sooner rather than later. Your doctor is more likely to find cancer if you are receiving low t treatment than if you’re not, simply because the testing that is included with low T therapy is more frequent and thorough than your yearly screening.
Avoid Low T Therapy Risks with Expert Care and Treatment
When your testosterone treatment is administered and carefully monitored by an expert in the field, the risks for side effects like stroke, heart attack or the development of cancer are almost diminished. Because of these risks, testosterone treatment and hormone replacement should always be administered by a good doctor, and only after you know and understand the risks. Never attempt to diagnose yourself or treat your low T symptoms on your own. Instead, call us to set up an appointment for evaluation.
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