Experienced Frisco, TX doctor discusses many options for how to fix Peyronie’s Disease symptoms

in Frisco, Tx Area Doctor Discusses Many Options for how to Fix Peyronie’s Disease Symptoms with Low T Guru

Doctor Peyronie’s Disease in Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX and elsewhere refers to François Gigot de la Peyronie, a French surgeon who first described a thickening of the corpora cavernosa tubes that run the length of the penis way back in the 1700s. These cylinders are filled with spongy tissue and, when blood flows into them, this creates an erection.

Peyronie’s Disease is also known as PD or “penile fibrosis.” But, for the patients who visit Dr. Jeffrey P. Buch of Low T Guru, regardless of the name, they just want the symptoms gone! Like Dr. Buch’s many former and current patients, you have come to the right place for treatment that is suited to your budget, lifestyle, and needs. Dr. Buch has dedicated his life to treating male sexual and reproductive health conditions. So, he is best equipped to offer the most advanced and proven techniques and technologies to fix the scar tissue, penile curvature, and the pain and erectile dysfunction (ED) that often accompanies PD.

After evaluating your symptoms and performing a penile exam, in consultation with you, Dr. Buch may recommend the following treatments, including:

  • Medications and supplements, such as vitamin E. Longstanding studies have shown that supplementation helped to prevent free-radical damage and reduced tissue thickening and scarring. Additional drugs may be recommended to disrupt the production of fibrous tissue. And, while collagenase (Xiaflex) is the only FDA-approved medication for PD, Dr. Buch has found that the injections associated with this therapy can be  very painful and costly.
  • GAINSWave® therapy uses high-frequency, low-intensity sound waves to repair penile tissues and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, promote better blood flow and higher quality erections, and break up the plaque or flat scar tissue responsible for PD. When in the hands of a skilled provider like Dr. Buch, treatment is well-tolerated, non-invasive and painless. Additionally, GAINSWave® may be paired with Platelet Rich Plasma drawn from your blood (so, it is safe), that can be concentrated to enrich for stem cells and growth factors. These “PRP-shots” improve blood flow, renew tissue, and heighten the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
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Generally, Dr. Buch takes a conservative approach to treatment; however, if other techniques and medications have failed to make a favorable difference in your symptoms, surgery may be recommended. There are several surgical approaches that may be right for you. These surgical methods depend on factors such as the severity of the penile curvature and indentations. He will discuss options with you at length during a consultation at the Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX office of Low T Guru. Call (972) 430-4554 to schedule your appointment today.

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