Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Revolutionary ED treatment that unlocks your body’s natural healing, self-renewal, including Stem Cells

PRP Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in Dallas TX Area

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) originated as a medical treatment in the 1970s. Researchers first started to use this “super-charged” blood (plasma enriched with platelets) to treat patients with thrombocytopenia, characterized by low blood platelet counts. Since then, PRP has established itself as a versatile therapeutic to unlock the body’s natural healing and regenerative capacity.  The benefits of PRP are further enhanced by the addition of Stem Cells.   Applications have ranged from alopecia and skin rejuvenation to maxillofacial surgery and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. 

It also presents an exciting, safe, revolutionary, and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, available at the office of leading male reproductive health specialist Dr. Jeffrey Buch: Low T Guru, serving patients in Dallas, Texas.

How PRP works for ED

Like PRP and Stem Cell preparations used for other clinical applications, platelet-rich plasma for ED is first prepared by taking a small sample of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge at a high rate of speed. The centrifuge separates the platelets and plasma in the blood sample from its other components: red and white blood cells. The “magic” of the platelets is their role in aiding the process of blood clot formation when tissues are wounded or damaged. Additionally, platelets are rich with growth factors, the proteins associated with quick healing and regeneration.  Stem Cells are obtained from the umbilical cord extract of newborns and do not result in rejection by anyone’s immune system regardless of your blood type.  They are supplied by highly regulated and certified tissue banks. 

Once the sample has been prepared, Dr. Buch will precisely and predictably apply this blood sample (now highly concentrated with platelets and growth factors) to the penis among those patients with ED who are appropriate candidates for this latest-generation therapy. By triggering and increasing the supply of reparative cells produced by the body, ED sufferers (and their partners!) who undergo “PRP-Shot” treatment can enjoy firmer, more sustained erections, enhanced blood flow, and sensitivity to the penis. PRP-assisted procedures are mainly safe and not associated with adverse side effects. 

Call us today Mobile Number (972) 430-4554

Dr. Buch offers an array of cutting-edge treatments, including the GAINSWave® system, which can be used in conjunction with PRP and Stem Cells to stimulate new blood vessels and tissue healing. These and other investments have been made with our patients’ optimal satisfaction and comfort with the treatment process, experience, and outcomes at heart. Call (972) 430-4554 to schedule your discreet consultation with Dr. Buch at Low T Guru.

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