Male Menopause and Low T

Male Menopause and Low T, TX

While none of us likes to admit we’re getting older, it’s important to remain aware of natural changes in the body that occur over time.  Menopause is a concept usually associated with women with its hormonal changes, but some also refer to the natural hormone changes in men as “male menopause.”

However, it’s important to distinguish between the two concepts. In women, menopause is the end of ovulation and the steep and swift reduction of hormones in the female body. For men, on the other hand, reduction of hormones and testosterone occur over many years, and the impact of those declines aren’t as universal for all men.

How Do Male Hormones Change Over Time?

Testosterone levels aren’t the same in every man, and all men won’t experience low testosterone over their lifetime. Just as some women consider hormone replacement, some men decide to visit a low T doctor to stabilize their hormone levels. Generally, older men have lower testosterone levels than younger men, and the gradual decline in testosterone is seen as a natural part of aging.

Did You Know? On average, men’s testosterone levels decline by about one percent each year after the age of thirty.

There are many signs that may indicate low testosterone, and these symptoms are often ascribed to “male menopause.” However, it’s important to realize that doctors don’t use the phrase to describe a man’s reduced hormone levels. The condition of low testosterone in men is called male hypogonadism.

Some of the signs that may indicate that a visit to a low T doctor is warranted include:

Mental and emotional changes: Low testosterone can impact a man’s emotions by reducing self-confidence or the motivation to accomplish things. Some men even report sadness and depression, as well as difficulty concentrating or trouble remembering things.

Physical changes: Some men see physical changes like the reduction of muscle mass and an increase in body fat. Men may also experience a reduction in bone density, which may make it easier to break or fracture bones. Loss of body hair and male breasts are also possible

Sleep pattern changes: A change in the way a man normally sleeps may indicate a testosterone problem. This may mean insomnia for some men and drowsiness or increased tiredness in other men. Low testosterone impacts all men in different ways and with different intensity.

Changed sexual function or dysfunction: A change in the size of the testes is one impact of low testosterone in some men, and infertility may occur in other men. Additionally, erectile dysfunction is a common problem, as well as a reduction of sexual desire.

It’s important to note that not all men experience these symptoms. Some men don’t experience any noticeable symptoms at all and others experience so many that treatment for low T is recommended by their doctor.

Some of these bodily changes are also signs of other diseases or disorders, so it’s a good idea to visit a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis rather than self-diagnosing one’s self and assuming that low T is the problem.

Reducing the Impact of “Male Menopause”

Whether you choose to refer to it as male menopause or low testosterone, there are many solutions you can seek from your health professional or low T doctor. There are medical options for boosting testosterone, and your doctor can help.

Also, there are other, natural ways you can reduce the impact of low testosterone. Some of those methods include:

Seeking help from mental health professionals.

You may want to consider visiting a therapist or a health professional if your doctor believes your testosterone levels are impacting your mental health.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Men who are obese have lower testosterone levels, and remaining fit and healthy is an important way to keep your testosterone at a healthy level as you age.

Visit your doctor regularly.

The likelihood of disease and health problems increases as we age, so it’s important to visit a doctor on a regular basis with yearly checkups and appointments when you feel in poor health.

Work With Your Doctor for Low Testosterone

There are effective methods your doctor can recommend for hormone problems. If you’re starting to experience the signs of aging and the natural decline of testosterone due to aging, it’s important to bring your concerns and symptoms to your health professional.

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