Cures for erectile dysfunction, courtesy of Frisco, TX authority on ED causes and risk factors

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures with Low T Guru in Frisco, Tx Area

Sexual performance and the satisfaction people get from sex involves many different factors, from hormones to emotions. As a complex process, several physical and mental health conditions can cause erectile dysfunction. As an authority in male sexual and reproductive health, Dr. Jeffrey P. Buch has an extensive understanding of the risk factors and systemic and psychological challenges responsible for ED. While problems achieving an erection are common and not always cause for concern, if they interfere with your confidence and relationship, Dr. Buch starts by looking for potential causes – the first step towards effective treatment.

Erectile dysfunction causes and treatment in Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX at Low T Guru

ED is often associated with advancing age. In fact, after age 50, sexual function rapidly decreases. It is estimated that, by age 60, one of every three men has ED. Among men aged 50 and older, urologists report 90% of chronic ED cases are rooted in physical conditions. Common physical problems associated with ED include:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • MS
  • Low testosterone

Additionally, some medications to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, as well as medical treatments to the prostate, pelvic, and spinal cord areas are associated with erectile dysfunction. Men who are healthy and have active lifestyles are generally at the lowest risk of developing ED. So, it’s not surprising that being overweight, vaping and smoking, and long-term drug and alcohol use are also considered to be risk factors for ED. Substance abuse issues are often intertwined with psychological conditions, such as anxiety and depression, which on their own, can also be to blame for problems with sexual arousal. Stress and relationship problems play a role, as they can interfere with the feelings that then trigger your sexual response.

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Depending on your needs, Dr. Buch may recommend changes that will also add to other areas of your life; for instance, regular exercise, stress management, and limiting smoking and drinking. Additionally, Low T Guru has many specialized treatments, including:

  • Medications such as Viagra and Cialis that relax penile muscles and increase blood flow
  • Testosterone replacement therapy, either as a first step for patients with low levels of this hormone or in conjunction with other therapies
  • Vacuum devices that pull blood into the penis
  • Injection therapy, which delivers medications to the site (tiny needle in side of penile shaft)

If more conservative treatments haven’t achieved the response that you and your partner deserve, then Dr. Buch may recommend surgical intervention, such as prostheses that help to keep the penis firm yet pliable.  But, he would more likely recommend first trying one of the most exciting treatments for ED at Low T Guru called GAINSWave®, which is a non-invasive and painless way to promote better blood flow using high-frequency, low-intensity sound waves. Results may be optimized with Platelet Rich Plasma and stem-cell injections.

With so many options, there is sure to be an answer for you and your partner. To find out more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Buch at his Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX office. Call (972) 430-4554.

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